Texas Town Becomes Abortion Epicenter – Mark Lee Dickson

About 60 political subdivisions throughout the State of Texas have passed enforceable ordinances further prohibiting abortion within their jurisdiction.

With abortion in Texas being outlawed from the moment of conception, Amarillo has become an abortion trafficking hub connecting abortion-free states like Texas to abortion-access states like New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas.

After much back and forth attempting to see their City Council approve such a measure, residents have now sent the Ordinance to the ballot for voters to decide this November.

Mark interviews Mark Lee Dickson about the battle in Amarillo on today’s program. Among other things, we will discuss:

  • Why Amarillo is considering this issue since the Supreme Court made abortion a matter for states to decide.

  • What does the private enforcement mechanism do?

  • Is the ordinance a travel ban?

  • What is the Comstock Act?

For more on Mark, go to: https://markleedickson.com

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*This is an AI generated transcript, and may contain errors*

Mark Harrington (00:00):

With illegal immigration in the news currently and last couple of years, you’ve probably heard about sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Well, I wonder if you’ve ever heard of sanctuary Cities for the unborn. We’re going to be talking about it today. Also, I’m going to respond to the tragic death of Amber Thurman who died in Georgia and the pro-abortion industry is saying she died because of the abortion ban in that state. So stick around. Well, hello everybody. Mark Harrington here, and we’re being able to talk to Mark Lee Dixon, good old friend of mine that’s been doing some good work around the country. You’re listening to the Mark Harrington Show, activist Radio and Friends. You can pick it up by going to my website@markharrington.org, or you can follow me on all the social media platforms. And if you listen to the podcast, please share it and leave a five star review.


Mark and I go way back here. Well actually not too far back, but we go back to when Mark was in the state of Ohio and we were working to try to get some sanctuary cities for the unborn here in the state. And then what happened was Roe v. Wade was overturned and everything got jumbled up a little bit. So we want to talk about that today. Mark’s still very busy in the efforts to try to secure protections for the unborn in individual states around the union. I’ve been in the front line of that and he’s got a battle right now in the state of Texas, in the city of Amarillo. So I want to get there, but first of all, where are you today, mark? I know you’re on the road most of the time. Where are you and what you doing?

Mark Lee Dickson (01:59):

So today in route to Pueblo, Colorado, where tonight there’s a work session, the city council we had, we tried to get this passed back in 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado and passed on first reading, failed on second reading. Well, new city council, one of the council members bringing it back, and they believe they have the votes to move this forward. They are ticked off that Colorado is going the direction that it’s going, as if it couldn’t get any worse. They’re wanting to make it worse and this councilman wants to do something.

Mark Harrington (02:45):

So let me ask you now, Colorado is one of those also that has a abortion and ballot measure, right? In November.

Mark Lee Dickson (02:52):


Mark Harrington (02:53):

So they’re trying to expand abortion up to the very moment of birth in that state, right?

Mark Lee Dickson (02:57):

Well, what they want to is they want to say a right to abortion, and then they also want it to be able to be paid for by taxpayers, and that’s something that people just don’t want to go for.

Mark Harrington (03:11):

Gotcha. So friends, I’m sure you’ve been following. Mark, if you follow us here at Created Equal, we talk about his work and you can find out more by going to his website@markleedixon.com or sanctuary cities for the unborn.com, and we’ll have it in the show notes after the program. Mark, you’ve had really, if you had a lot of success here, you’ve got over 60 political subdivisions throughout the state of Texas alone that have passed these sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinances where children are protected in that state. I did want to talk about then I do want to get to Amarillo. I do want to talk about what changed, if anything, with the overturning of Roe versus Wade. Now, from just a layman’s perspective, people would think, well, if Roe was overturned, that means it’s out of the hands of the federal government for the most part, although there still is a role there, and I differ with our recurrent nominee for the presidency of the United States for the Republican Party. That’s Donald Trump that says there’s no role for the federal government. Completely disagree with that, but people do understand it went back to the states and the people I guess. So how did it affect you in the work of trying to bring protections to the unborn individual cities? If anything?

Mark Lee Dickson (04:33):

It made my life so much more busy. I’m busier now than I’ve ever been. There’s so much work to be done, even in Texas because what we have is we have abortion trafficking, we have people being taken to Albuquerque, New Mexico in Pueblo, Colorado, in Wichita, Kansas, unlike we’ve ever seen before. One abortion facility in Pueblo, Colorado reported that 47% of their clients are Texas residents. Over in Albuquerque, two different abortion facilities reported 85% and 95% of their clients being Texas residents. Abortions are still happening. And so we’ve got to do everything we can regardless of the states, until we see unborn children protected in all 50 states. We’ve got a lot of work to do.

Mark Harrington (05:38):

So let’s get to that then. In Texas, abortion is outlawed, and correct me if I’m wrong, from the moment of conception and one of the few states that it is a good red state. There is no threat, at least for now that they’re going to ever put a constitutional amendment on. I don’t even know if they have that process available to them there in Texas. But Amarillo, as you say here has become a trafficking hub. How is that? I mean, what do you mean by abortion trafficking? I’ve seen the billboards that you guys have put up. How is that possible in a state where abortion’s illegal?

Mark Lee Dickson (06:16):

Well, the laws of Texas stop at the border, and so the only way that we can really go after those with the laws that we have in Texas right now, those who violate the law, the only way we can go after the abortionist is if they’re licensed Texas physician in New Mexico that is given the abortion pill to a pregnant mother and she ingests a second pill in Texas, then we could go after the abortionist. But unless it’s that very narrow scenario, we can’t go after them. And so what we need is we need this private enforcement mechanism in these local ordinances that allow us to go after organizations like Eight Access, Mayday Health, that if they send the abortion pill into our cities and be able to go after these abortion traffickers with groups like Jane Stu process that are involved in taking people across state lines. We want to do everything that we can to protect life, and we just got to close these loopholes. Even in Texas, there’s work to be done.

Mark Harrington (07:38):

Yeah. So Amarillo, if I follow this correctly is you went through the traditional process of getting the city council to approve a sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance. Did that happen? Did they vote in favor of doing that? And then what is the backstory here to where we are today?

Mark Lee Dickson (07:57):

Well, the short version is that we looked at Amarillo and we realized we didn’t have the votes on city council. So people got elected that ran on the platform that they wanted to make Amarillo a sanctuary city for the unborn. And then when it came to the vote, they were found to have lied to their constituents. They didn’t stay true to their word. They didn’t vote for life. Instead, we only had one council member that actually stood for life. And so we ended up having to go through this process of collecting the necessary number of signatures. We collected over 10,000 signatures, 10,400 signatures to be accurate, 63, 6400 of which were verified as residents of Amarillo. And that forced the issue to now what has become a measure on the ballot November 5th. And so it is going to be an all out battle, and here’s why it’s a battle.


Rachel Leary Carmona, executive director of Women’s March, she’s the one that when the Dobbs opinion was leaked, she called for a summer of rage. She has moved from Brooklyn, New York to Amarillo, Texas. All of the Women’s March gatherings across the nation, regardless of where they’re at, are planned now from Amarillo, Texas. And we are seeing all these other groups come in and Carona’s organization, I mean she’s funded, she has been funded by Soros, and that is coming into Texas. We realized that there’s compromise at every level. There’s compromise in the city hall, there’s compromise at the Randall County DA’s office. We found out that the assistant DA in Randall County, we’re talking about 80% Trump vote in the 2020 election assistant DA working for Planned Parenthood, helping minors get abortions across state lines. And so we have got to be vigilant. We got to be careful about people getting into office in our conservative cities that don’t represent our beliefs and values and want to change the culture.

Mark Harrington (10:29):

So what does Amarillo does that ordinance say that’s going to be on the ballot? What does it do?

Mark Lee Dickson (10:38):

So it prohibits what we call abortion trafficking. And so abortion trafficking is that the taking of a pregnant mother across state lines for the purpose of abortion. And also we’re talking not just about the pregnant mother who may or may not be going willingly across state lines, but we’re also talking about that unborn child who a hundred percent is going unwillingly across state lines for the abortion. This ordinance also prohibits abortion inducing drugs being sent into the community, allowing us to file a lawsuit against groups, pro-abortion groups. And then also what this ordinance does is we have this law in Texas about fetal remains, but unfortunately, that law says that it only applies to medical facilities within the state of Texas that they must treat human remains properly. Well, the place that is disposing of the dead bodies of babies from California and New Mexico and Kansas, they’re in Amarillo. They are a waste management company. They’re not a medical facility within the state of Texas. So this massive loophole, this closes that we want to shut down this place called Biocycle Encore Technology. And Mark, I talked to the CEO of the company, Vernon Wells, and Vernon Wells told me, he tried to tell me that Planned Parenthood surgical centers didn’t do abortions. He said, mark planned Parenthoods do other things. Not all of ’em do abortions. And I said, Mr. Wells a Planned Parenthood surgical center. What do they do? Look on their website, they do abortions.


And we had someone from Wichita, Kansas where our friend Troy Newman lives. We had someone from Wichita, Kansas who is a driver that came in one day and he told us that they were picking up from that Planned Parenthood. And so Vernon Wells told me that he is like, look, mark, we have a 20 year contract with the abortion industry with these Planned Parenthoods, and if we break that contract, it’s going to cost us $6 million. And they’re receiving money as far as way as California, San Juan, California, $166,000 given to Encore Technology, biocycle. And so we want to see this ordinance passed. We want to shut down the abortion operation wherever we can, whether that be these businesses that are picking up fetal remains or whether it be the abortion trafficking industry. We want to end it all because we want to live in abortion free America.

Mark Harrington (13:53):

My guest is Mark Lee Dixon. You can go to his website@markleedixon.com and I’ll have the other websites in the show notes. I got two more questions for you, mark, and I’ll let you go. I know you got a busy day here in Colorado at the hearing tonight. Is this a travel ban? In other words, does it prevent people from women and mothers from going over state lines to kill their babies? Is that what it does?

Mark Lee Dickson (14:18):

Well, I don’t like the term travel ban because we don’t call prohibitions on sex trafficking or drug trafficking. We don’t call those travel bans. This is a ban on abortion trafficking, and I think we’ve got to take back the culture. We can’t let them determine the narrative on this, that this is wicked. We’re talking about killing its children across state lines. And Mark, I know me and you’re on the same page on this, that state borders do not determine worth and value. Babies’ lives don’t automatically change in the worth and value when they cross over into New Mexico or Kansas or Colorado in the eyes of the Lord. Human beings are the equal worth and value regardless of what side of the border they’re on.

Mark Harrington (15:13):

And of course, that’s why there needs to be a federal ban on abortion or the Supreme Court needs to rule that the 14th Amendment protects the unborn period. I mean, there has to have a federal remedy to this final question, the Comm Stock Act. Now, I’ve talked about it here on the program. There is an attempt obviously to enforce that, explain what that does. Now, this is outside of maybe the Sanctuary City’s debate, maybe to a certain degree, but explain what that is in the attempt to try to enforce that, which could bring an end to the trafficking of the abortion pill for an example, right?

Mark Lee Dickson (15:52):

Absolutely. We’re utilizing the Comstock Act and the Amarillo Ordinance. We’re utilizing the Comstock Act and the Colorado ordinance in states like Colorado. It’s primarily what we have. It’s the greatest tool in our tool belt. The Comstock Act was passed in 1873, and it prohibits the mailing and the receiving of abortion inducing drugs and abortion paraphernalia. And so since this was passed by Congress, this is what I call a federal defacto abortion ban doesn’t ban abortion pills per se, but it bans the mailing and receiving of abortion pills and abortion paraphernalia, which means anything that you could use to create a situation where an elective abortion takes place. And so this law, if it was actually enforced, it would shut down every single abortion industry in every facility that every manufacture distributor of the pills, the whole nine yards. And so I am hopeful that President Trump will see an election of his third term and him get in the White House and actually get to serve this term. And I hope he enforces it. I hope that we see a hundred percent. I want to see the end of abortion in America, and Trump could do it. We just have to believe, pray for him, support him. We know Kamala is not going to do it. Kamala would be horrible for America. In fact, the word Kamala in one language means terrible. And that’s what she would be for America. She would be terrible for American. So we got to make sure that Trump is elected and he is the most pro-life choice for America.

Mark Harrington (18:02):

So Mark, what can people do to help out? You got this vote on the November 5th. You’re in these cities, states that are, I assume all states are open to this idea. So what people do to help?

Mark Lee Dickson (18:17):

Well, regardless of where people are at, they need to make sure that they are getting to the polls this November. They need to early vote. They need to encourage, take friends to vote. They need to make sure they’re voting for the most pro-life candidate that we have, which is President Donald J. Trump. They also need to pay attention to what is on their ballot. If there is a prolife measure on their ballot, they need to vote for it. If there is a pro-abortion measure on their ballot, they need to vote against it. This is not something that we can just look over Passover. This is something that we have to be involved in. The fate of America is at stake. And so regardless of where you’re living, if you’re living in one of the 50 states or if you’re living on an Indian reservation, we don’t care where you live in America.


We want you to sign the online petition at sanctuary cities for the unborn.com. You can have a sanctuary city for the unborn. You can have a sanctuary reservation for the unborn. We are working in some places in Arizona, New Mexico. We want to see every square inch of this nation covered with laws that protect innocent children made in the image of God. So remember, people are going to push at you and they’re going to say that abortion has been returned to the states. But reality, what the Supreme Court said was that this issue has been returned to the people and their elected representatives, and that’s at every level of government. And we’ve got to fight hard the local level, the state level, the federal level until we see the end of abortion in our nation.

Mark Harrington (20:04):

Mark Lee Dixon has been my guest today, and you can find out more by going to sanctuary cities for the unborn.com and sign the petition if you want to bring this ordinance to your city and your state anywhere in the United States. Mark, thanks for being on the show.

Mark Lee Dickson (20:20):

Thank you.

Mark Harrington (20:23):

Well, friends, I hope you enjoyed the interview with Mark Lee Dixon from Sanctuary Cities for the unborn, talking about the battle that’s taking place in Amarillo, Texas currently, that there’s going to be a vote coming up on September 28th, and hopefully if you can get to Texas to help out, that would be very much appreciated. And this just gets to the issue, and that is that the abortion question has been returned to the state legislatures, but not all, just the state legislatures, the cities and towns and counties actually have a say. And that’s why sanctuary cities for the unborn is still a very important project. And hopefully you can get plugged in there with Mark Lee Dixon. But I also wanted to talk about this breaking news that came out like a day or two ago, and that is the story coming out from ProPublica, which is a left wing media rag.


But they basically are talking about the death of this young woman of 28-year-old Amber Thurman who was killed supposedly they say because of the abortion laws in Georgia. Now, of course, this article is full of all kinds of lies, and so I’m going to take a minute and kind of clear up the confusion regarding this young woman’s death. First of all, she was pregnant, and this is back in August of 2022. So if you recall, Roe v. Wade was overturned. The Dobbs Institution was handed down in June of 2022. Georgia passed a heartbeat law, which bans abortion at a detectable heartbeat. That means that women in Georgia cannot get an abortion prior to a detectable heartbeat. So Amber Thurman was pregnant with twins apparently, and instead of being able to have an abortion in Georgia, she traveled across state lines and took the abortion pill.


Now here’s the chronology. So June, 2022, Roe was overturned. On August 16th, she went to North Carolina. She took the first drug, which is MPR Stone. What that does is stars the baby. She was given the second drug. She took that the next day as she went back to Georgia on August 17. And that’s Misoprostol, which expels the baby. It induces labor. Unfortunately, the babies, they died, but they were not expelled as part of the abortion. Normally that happens, they abort into a toilet, typically in their own apartment or home. That didn’t happen. So she began to have bleeding because it was an incomplete abortion. And she went to the hospital, went to the emergency room, was admitted, and apparently she also had an infection or sepsis, and that took place on August 18. So she immediately went to the hospital. She had an infection. And normally what would happen if the doctors were on top of things is they would perform a DNC immediately, an emergency, DNC, dilation and tage.


Now people say, well, you can’t do that in Georgia. Well, yes you can. You can. Only the DNC procedure cannot be used to kill a live child. And that’s why that procedure was not used or couldn’t be used, and that’s why she went to North Carolina. But because of the emergency that she was encountering the incomplete abortion, the law in Georgia allows for DNCs in the case of an incomplete abortion or for miscarriage. But they didn’t do it. And she began to have worsening conditions. And then she was admitted into the hospital, not just from the er. And on August 22, she was taken to the emergency room. Again, she had not had an emergency DNC, and she began to experience organ failure, and she died on August 22nd. So the abortion people, they want to make this all about that. Georgia has a heartbeat law and they’ve banned abortion, and women are going to die because they can’t get healthcare.


Nothing can be further from the truth. This woman had to travel across state lines. That is true because abortion is illegal, at least to a detectable heartbeat in Georgia. That is true. That’s the current scenario. But she could get the abortion. She did. She returned back to Georgia, and because of the complications of the abortion pill, let’s get this right, because the abortion pill is unsafe. Her twins died, but were not expelled, and the babies were inside of her dead, and she had an infection, and that led to sepsis, which led to organ failure, which led to her death. This is not an issue of the laws in Georgia killed her. This is about the abortion pill and how it’s not safe for women and how medical practitioners here. In the case of this situation, this is malpractice, Christina Francis, and if you would pop this up, this is a story on life news.com.


Christina Francis is a good friend of created equal. She’s an OB GYN, and she is very involved in the pro-life movement. And she basically outlines what should have been done in this article. And she talks about how immediately this young woman should have had a DNC, which are legal even to this day in the state of Georgia for emergencies in the case of an incomplete abortion or for miscarriage care. And she outlines that in this article, and I’ll have this in the show notes after the program. So if this woman would’ve got proper treatment in Georgia, she’d be alive today. Now the babies are dead. Nobody talks about them, right? I mean, that’s what really happened here. Those children are dead because the abortion pill, nobody talks about the abortions. They just talk about this young woman who died. Now, just to wrap this up, this story is going to be on almost every TV ad in every state where they have a constitutional amendment on the ballot coming up in November.


You can bet on it. They’re going to take this and use this and lie about it and say, this is what will happen if you do not vote yes on the whatever amendment is, whether it’s in Florida or Nevada, or Colorado, Missouri, what have you. This is what’s going to happen in our state. Women will not be able to get abortion care, and then doctors will be afraid to perform DNCs when there’s an incomplete abortion or miscarriage. They are going to fear monger like crazy. Just mark my words. This is going to make it into ads in these states. And those who are running these coalitions in these states better be ready to have an ad to be able to drop, to be able to address this, because if they don’t, this could be devastating to the case that we’re trying to make in these states to defeat these constitutional amendments, expanding abortion up to the very moment of birth.


To summarize, AM Thurman died not because of the laws in Georgia that prohibited abortion up to a detectable heartbeat. She died because of the abortion pill and the complications thereof, which is really the problem, and she didn’t get the proper medical care which she should have gotten, and the law provides for her to have in the state of Georgia. So that’s the story. You’re going to hear more about it, unfortunately, I’m sure on the campaign trail. Kamala Harris is going to talk about it. It’s going to be in their ads, so be prepared to tell the truth about the story. We’ll see you next time. God bless you. God bless America, and remember America to bless God.

Outro (29:09):

You’ve been listening to Mark Harrington, your radio activist. For more information on how to make a difference for the cause of life, liberty and justice, go to created equal.org.org. To follow mark, go to Mark Harrington show.com. Be sure to tune in next time for your marching orders in the Culture war.
