Who is Mark Harrington?
Mark Harrington is the Founder and President of Created Equal, a pro-life education, and outreach organization based in Columbus, Ohio. Mark travels to universities across the nation reaching students, inspiring young apologists, mentoring future leaders, and introducing cutting-edge tactics to the pro-life effort.
Who is Mark?
Mark Harrington is the Founder and President of Created Equal, a pro-life education and outreach organization based in Columbus, Ohio. Mark travels to universities across the nation to inspire young apologists, mentor future leaders, and introduce cutting-edge technology to the pro-life effort.
What Has Mark Done?
Prior to launching Created Equal, from 1999-2011, Mark served as Executive Director of the Midwest office of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform—where he led outreach on college campuses, which reached millions of students with massive mobile displays conveying the horrifying reality of abortion, likening abortion to other well-known crimes against humanity throughout history.
At Created Equal, Mark is realizing his vision of uniting human rights defenders to carry on the fight to end abortion. Over the years, Created Equal has built a state-of-the-art delivery system that specializes in transforming formerly apathetic students into long-term foot soldiers in the war against abortion, and more broadly, the culture of death. Step by step, Created Equal brings the next generation into the fold through its Justice Ride, Day of Action, and Road Trips for Life, builds commitment through its summer and gap year internship programs, and partners with them in their careers, teaching them how to hold the line against the culture of death in their own professions and social spheres.
Where Has Mark been Seen?
Mark has been seen advocating for the preborn in national media, both newsprint—including USA Today—and television—such as CBS’ Good Morning, and Fox New’s Fox & Friends and Hannity (hyperlink the videos below to their respective show titles).
What Have Other Pro-Life Leaders said about Mark?
Mark Harrington is making a huge impact on life, and I fully support his efforts to unmask abortion in the United States. Mark is a gracious and articulate defender of the unborn, educating thousands annually.
– Scott Klusendorf,
President, Life Training Institute
I stand one hundred percent with the efforts of Created Equal, with getting the truth visually out to students on campuses and inspiring them and equipping them. – Lila Rose, President, Live-Action
I am excited about Mark Harrington and his work with Created Equal.
– Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director, Priests for Life
For many years I have known Mark and witnessed his passion, honesty, tenacity, courage, and selfless commitment
to the pro-life cause.
– Peggy Hartshorn,
Heartbeat International
Mark Harrington is making a huge impact on life, and I fully support his efforts to unmask abortion in the United States. Mark is a gracious and articulate defender of the unborn, educating thousands annually.
– Scott Klusendorf,
President, Life Training Institute
I stand one hundred percent with the efforts of Created Equal, with getting the truth visually out to students on campuses and inspiring them and equipping them. – Lila Rose, President, Live-Action
I am excited about Mark Harrington and his work with Created Equal.
– Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director, Priests for Life
For many years I have known Mark and witnessed his passion, honesty, tenacity, courage, and selfless commitment
to the pro-life cause.
– Peggy Hartshorn,
Heartbeat International
Where Can Mark be Followed?
Mark hosts The Mark Harrington Show and is broadcast on radio,
including America Family Radio’s 180 stations across America, and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio and Indiana.
Subscribe to The Mark Harrington Show podcast on Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, and all other popular podcasting platforms.
Mark’s show is also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
For additional information on Mark, visit Created Equal’s website or call 614-269-7808.