First, Do No Harm | Lynda Bell

On today’s program, I interview Lynda Bell from Florida Right to Life. Lynda discusses Amendment 4 which will be on the November ballot in Florida. Amendment 4 will permit abortions of five and six-month-old babies and wipe away all of Florida’s abortion restrictions including the Heartbeat Law.

Linda and I will discuss the amendment’s language and provide a call to action for those who want to defeat this evil initiative.

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Mark Harrington (00:00):

For centuries, the term Do No Harm was an oath that physicians took when treating their patients in Florida. We have an organization called Do No Harm Florida, that is going to be used to try to defeat Amendment four, and we’ll be talking to one of the organizers today on the program. Also, we’re going to be talking about our internship that launches on Monday here in Columbus, and we’ll be talking about some of the young people you’re going to get to meet this summer. So stick around.


Welcome everybody to the Mark Harrington, show your radio activist here. And as I said in my intro, we’re going to be talking about the Hippocratic Oath. Boy, that doesn’t sound like something we talk about much. We’re going to talk about that today with our good friend and colleague out of Florida. That is Linda Bell with Florida right to Life, who is in the midst of the battle down there to try to defeat Amendment four, which is your constitutional amendment that would expand abortion beyond viability. Five, six months babies will be killed by abortion. If this thing passes, it would wipe out all the pro-life laws. This is similar to what’s happening, I’m sorry, did happen here in the state of Ohio and we’re trying to stop it. So we’re going to talk about that today. Also, we’re going to be discussing our summer interns who are coming next week, Monday. They arrive here in Ohio for our summer bootcamp, so we’ll be talking about that in the second half of the program. Linda Bell’s my guest. Linda, thanks for being on the show.

Lynda Bell (01:46):

Oh, thank you for having me. Glad to be here, mark. Glad to know you as well.

Mark Harrington (01:51):

Well, it’s good to know you, and I’ve heard of you over the years until this thing all came down earlier when the abortion side got the signatures they needed, and unfortunately the Florida Supreme Court approved and said the language is constitutional, therefore it’s going on the ballot in November. A lot of people in the state thought that that wasn’t going to happen. I was one who said, I’m a cynic generally, and I’ve also been around long enough to see courts rule this way. They’re political entities to me. These judges aren’t impartial. They’re generally political. And I told people in Florida, I would be prepared for this thing to go on the ballot, don’t count on the Supreme Court to do the right thing and they didn’t. So now it’s game on and you’re in the middle of it here with your organization Do no Harm, Florida and also Florida, right to life.


So Linda, before we do, you named the coalition that you’re helping to head up Do No Harm Florida, which I think is great, Mr. Producer, if you pull up the website, it says Protect women and children. First of all, that’s a good start, right? A lot of these states, we leave out the babies, they’re all over the website. It’s like, what’s going on here? We’re trying to fight to keep a constitution amendment from going on the ballot and we don’t mention the children. Well, you do and I’m glad to see it. And I think we’ve learned our lesson in some of these states that we need to make it about abortion because if we don’t, the other side’s going to, and we won’t turn out our base because this is a base election. Republicans, Trump voters, conservatives, Christians go to the polls on the abortion issue because they care about the unborn primarily.


And so I’m thankful that you’re making it specific to the children. Of course there’s more to it than that, but do no harm Florida. Before we go into it, Linda, I just want to share a little background here. We’ve all heard of the Hippocratic Oath. Just a little background. I think it’s interesting. Hippocrates was the one who came up with this. He was a Greek physician and philosopher in the classic period. And what it meant is basically that physicians should do no harm to their patients. And it was a document that was written in 400 bc, believe it or not, and it was translated from Greek in 1849. Isn’t this interesting? And in it, they had a prohibition against harming patients, and I want to read this quote. It says, this is what a physician would do when they take the oath. They would say, I will never give a deadly drug.


Think about this deadly drug. What are we doing today? Abortion pills to anybody who asks for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. Now that’s in the Hippocratic Oath that was revised, if you will, in 1849 and made it all the way through the 20th century until the modern version now has excluded any references to do no harm, unfortunately. And the oath really means almost nothing. But I like that you’re using it because you’re bringing it back and applying it to the abortion issue there in the state of Florida. So a great name for the organization. So Linda, if you would, let’s talk about this amendment if you would, Mr. Producer, go ahead and pull up, just scroll down. They’ve got the summary language here, and I’d like to go through this with you, Linda, if you would.


The first line, okay, let me read the entire amendment first and then we’ll go line by line. It says this, this is a summary which is very close to the actual text. No LA shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion before viability. Now, think about these no law viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. Now it’s a very short amendment. The summary is short, Ohio is a little bit longer. Some of these others are longer, and I think that’s intentional, and it’s an intentionally vague. They don’t define these terms. So let’s go through each one of them, and this is why your website do no harm. has a red line or take of the ballot summary, which is really helpful when you’re talking to people. So let’s look at this. First line says, no law shall prohibit. What does that mean?

Lynda Bell (07:16):

Market means exactly what it says. So it says, no law shall prohibit penalize or delay. So right away, there should be no law in the state of Florida that should disallow an abortion. Any abortion, there should be no law to penalize any of. So basically it’s the Abortionist Protection Act because no law can penalize the abortionist and there should be no law that would delay an abortion or restrict an abortion. So if you just take that right there as a whole, it eliminates every single law we’ve ever passed in Florida. It eliminates parental consent, women’s right to know 24 hour waiting period in-person, physician requirement. And it’s purposely vague. It’s purposely undefined. But that right there, that’s the only part of this entire ballot language and summary that is specific to say every single law you’ve ever thought you had to protect women, children, and babies is gone.

Mark Harrington (08:13):

And you’ve been someone who has been working for decades to pass these laws and put these restrictions into place, including the recently passed and now enforced heartbeat law that would go away along with your 15, I think it’s a 15 week law. You had so friends, you got to understand something. The same with Ohio wipes it all out and leaves the courts to interpret the language of this thing. And that’s the extreme part. Now, I’m not one to say, oh, get into this back and forth about what’s extreme. It’s certainly extreme to wipe out every single law that the legislature, the duly elected representatives of the state of have passed over the last several decades. To wipe it out all in one day to me is pretty radical.

Lynda Bell (09:02):

It’s very radical. That’s the word that I’m using because when you use the word extreme, the left is calling our heartbeat bill extreme. Then the right is saying that this is too extreme. So I’m using the word radical. It’s just can I use the word absurd because this is so absurd. And you’re right, mark, I think I put too much faith in the Florida Supreme Court because I know some of them, and I love the way the three women kind of excoriated the four men and even two of the three conservatives on the court admitted that this language was vague and ambiguous. They admitted it, but let it go. Anyway, so you’re right, it was basically a political decision. I said, well, they mimicked the United States Supreme Court with their caving on these issues. And so you were completely right about that.

Mark Harrington (09:52):

And it reminds me of when John Roberts decided to allow the Obama Obamacare to come in, he said, well, it depends on what, it’s

Lynda Bell (10:03):

A taxable issue. It’s a taxing issue.

Mark Harrington (10:06):

In other words, they don’t want to get involved in these really high profile controversial issues. They want to leave it to the legislature, which I’m all for, but when it’s clearly within their realm, their purview, their authority to rule, and they don’t, they’re just being cowards. And that’s what

Lynda Bell (10:23):

Happened. This was extremely cowardly. In fact, one of the male Supreme Court justices said, well, I know we kind of admit it’s vague and deceptive, but we’re not here to call balls and strikes. And I’m screaming exactly what you’re there for. You are there to call balls and strikes. And so I’m watching this and I’m just screaming on the inside, this cannot be happening.

Mark Harrington (10:44):

Well, it is, and now we’ve got this amendment. It’s going to be on the ballot. So that’s the first part. It says, no law shall prohibit penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability. So every single law is subject to being repealed. We’re seeing that in the state of Ohio. Now, the A CLU is sued to try to take down two of our pro-life laws, and this is just the beginning. So let’s move on. The word viability. It says restrict abortion before viability. Now what we understand viability to be is when the child can live outside the womb of the mother. That’s what we’ve understood historically, and people have understood it to mean that why is the term viability a problem?

Lynda Bell (11:31):

Because it’s not defined and viability means nothing. It means absolutely nothing. By the way, that’s still horrific than when those babies can feel pain. That’s still horrific, should never be allowed. But when they stay viability, there’s a big or right following viability is or and is when necessary to protect the patient’s health. So we all know because of Roe v. Wade, the definition of health because there was an attached decision of doe versus Bolton, and they define health as basically anything that the abortionist and the patient, the mother decide it should be. So literally it could be financial health, physical health, mental health. So I sarcastically say, could be a hangnail. I mean, it’s just ridiculous that you could have an abortion for any reason all through all nine months of pregnancy if this passes. And this is then a violation of federal law because if they’re going to do a big, I hate to say this, a big baby abortion or late term abortion, they’re going to use the partial birth abortion, which is banned federally. So why Ashley Moody’s office did not argue this, why they did not take this discussion up just astounds me. I thought it was argued very poorly and here we are.

Mark Harrington (12:44):

Well, here we are. And viability again is something that’s a moving target. Recently, Warren Hearn was spotlighted in the magazine, the Atlantic. I don’t know if you read that. And he talks about this. He says that viability in his opinion is whatever the woman determines it to be. In other words, if the pregnancy is viable, basically she wants it or doesn’t, it’s up to her. So this again, is something that continues to just change the definition of the term viability, and that’s the problem,

Lynda Bell (13:21):

Not just that it’s as determined by the health, the healthcare provider, patient’s health. So all that is very subject to the healthcare provider, which is the abortionist and the mother. So it doesn’t matter. That means there’s no such thing. There’s no such thing as a term called viability. There’s no such thing as a law. There’s no such thing anymore as a regulation. It’s going to be the wild, wild west when it comes to abortion

Mark Harrington (13:46):

And they’re going to determine health. And you mentioned it, but let’s see what it says before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health. Again, you mentioned it here. We recall this in the whole planned parenter versus Casey, what health meant. It was basically anything familial, health, psychological, physical, emotional, and it’s determined between the mom and the abortionist. We know that the courts will interpret that so broadly that it’ll allow for abortion up to birth, as you say. So again, not defined. Not defined. So many of these terms, they’re just not defined at all, and that just leaves it up to the courts down the road, and we know what they’re typically going to do. Oh yeah. So let’s move on here that says the as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. Now, friends, I don’t want to get in the weeds here, but it’s important that these words, words are what matter. They don’t mean what we think they mean, and that’s what they’re trying to pull a fast one on. Florida voters. So healthcare provider doesn’t define what a healthcare provider is, I guess. So what do they mean?

Lynda Bell (15:07):

You have to go to the state of Florida’s website and you look up the state of Florida and the rulemaking under oco, you look up what is the definition of a healthcare provider. So a healthcare provider literally can be, and I know it’s going to be most abortions will be done by an abortionist or they’ll be given these horrific pills, multiple pills to take, which are extremely dangerous for women. But it can be a receptionist at an abortion clinic, it can be a podiatrist. I mean, there are so many definitions for the term healthcare provider that this is purposely vague. And here’s the deceptive part. Most people, when they see the term healthcare provider, they assume that it’s their doctor, it’s their physician. So that’s the thing. And then when they say patient’s health, they assume it means the life of the mother because that’s the natural assumption for the average American. And here the average Floridian is that’s what it means. Healthcare provider means absolutely nothing because it’s not defined except for as by the state of Florida. Then literally it can be your podiatrist. That’s a healthcare provider. This

Mark Harrington (16:13):

Is right. So again, these terms need to be defined. That’s why you’re honing in on the language. Most thing is a lot of Floridians aren’t going to take the time to think about all this until they get to the voting booth. That’s why this red line document is so effective. Alright, let’s move on to the next one. It says, this amendment does not change. Now this is, I’ll be honest with you, this is pretty smart on their part, but maybe they’re forced into doing it because there’s a lot of books. I’ll tell you why. Go ahead, hang on. Lemme read it. And then you can say, it says, the amendment does not change the legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. Now just at face value, I look at that and think, oh, these people are very reasonable then, aren’t they? What’s the problem with this?

Lynda Bell (17:12):

And there’s the rub. That’s the idea. The only reason that pro notification is in this ballot summary and not in the actual language because pro notification is already in the Florida constitution. They had no choice. See, this is not discussed by anybody else. I’m just going to say no. Other organizations that are fighting amendment four has bothered to point out that notification is in the Florida constitution. Something that was pushed for many years ago because we couldn’t get it through the Florida legislature. So then we pushed for the amendment because it’s kind of like something of last resort. So notification, notification is not parental consent notification is not defined. They don’t say whether you need to be notified by snail mail, by email because parental consent is not defined. It could literally be, hi, is this a mother of Mary Smith? Your daughter’s having an abortion, thank you, and have a nice day.


Click notification checkbox. Or it could be it’s sex trafficker. An older boyfriend comes into the abortion clinic with his 13-year-old pregnant victim, and she hands a slip of paper to the receptionist at the abortion mill and says, here, these are my parents. Call them or call my mom. They call ’em, yep, that’s my kid. Yep, go. Yep, thanks for notifying me. Click. And it’s not even, the child’s parent is not even being notified. There are no restrictions. There is nothing that defines how this notification should take place. This is why this has to be stopped and should have never been allowed on the ballot.

Mark Harrington (18:48):

Right. Well, notification is an important aspect of these laws, but consent is really the most important. That is, are the parents actually involved to the extent not only that they’re notified, like you say, they just drop a voicemail or send in, who knows how they notify? It could be

Lynda Bell (19:05):

An email,

Mark Harrington (19:06):

Could be anything almost. Yeah, but the consent is the real thing, right? I mean, parents, we don’t want abortions for anybody. They should be outlawed, but certainly parents should be involved at minimum to the degree that they would consent or not to a minor’s abortion, one of their children. And again, this is one of those things that they were pretty slick about putting in there to try to take the edge off of this whole notion that this will violate parental rights. And that was one big thing in Ohio. That’s one of the cases we made. It was a hard case to make because most people are like, we don’t care too much about that. We think women should have abortions, whether they’re minors or not. That’s the way they voted in Ohio. So the idea that they put it in here was actually smart, and it’s going to be one that you’re going to have. It’s going to be a little bit of an uphill battle. But

Lynda Bell (20:04):

Mark parental consent polls very well in Florida about upwards of 70% of parents think that makes sense. Yeah. Parents should have a decision making when it comes to their, because they’re little girls. These are not adults, these are little girls. And we all know pretty much now that the brain isn’t fully formed until at least 21 to 24 years of age. So 15 to 16-year-old girls are not going to be able to make basically a wise decision without parents’ counsel and parents’ consent. And that’s why we passed parental consent. We fought so hard for parental consent and actually Governor DeSantis signed parental consent during the pandemic, and then I stood right next to him at the 15 week signing and the six week signing, which is a heartbeat bill. And so I’m glad you stressed that every single one of these laws would be gone out the window. And so our job at Florida right to life and do No Harm Florida, our job for the next basically four and a half, five months is to inform everybody humanly possible how with the knowledge of going forward that this is actually what this does. This is actually what it means. And so most people, it’s interesting. Just an aside, we hand it out. I don’t know if you have a rack, our rack cards that

Mark Harrington (21:21):

We Yeah, we’re going to go to that.

Lynda Bell (21:22):

Yeah, we hand it

Mark Harrington (21:23):

Out. We’ll share that in a minute.

Lynda Bell (21:24):

We handed out about 6,000 of them at the homeschool convention, and everybody that saw them overwhelmingly were asking for 50, a hundred. They wanted 150 for their church or homeschool groups, and we gave them away here. Here you go. And everybody has said, this is the most clear and concise bit of information on one front and back card. And we patterned it after your card. We styled it after it with all of our information.

Mark Harrington (21:51):

Yeah, we’re flattered by that. By the way, Mr. Producer, hang on. I want him to bring it up because in a second, but before I do, I want to get to the issue. If you go to where it says order materials, I want to talk about the Heartbeat law


Just for a minute because there’s some similarities between Ohio and Florida. In Ohio, and folks, this is somewhat, I’ve talked about this before, but in Ohio, we passed a heartbeat law in 2019. It was introduced in 2011, the first one in the United States to do so I stood there on the steps of the state legisla at the state capitol introducing this law, and it took us eight years to get it done. It was put into effect, of course, because of Roe v. Wade, it was held up, yes. But then when Dobbs came down, the attorney general sued and we got it put into effect for 82 days. Of course, the other side sued and then it was put on hold until the issue won was voted on. And in those 82 days, we saw abortion mills almost virtually close here in the state of Ohio. It was awesome. I was like, wow, this is what it’s like to live in an abortion free state almost right? For

Lynda Bell (23:10):

A minute, for a

Mark Harrington (23:11):

Minute. It was just for a while though. So you have a similar situation where May 1st, because of the Supreme Court who had had it both ways, they said, we’re going to allow for Amendment four to go on the ballot in November, but we’re also going to allow these laws 15 week and the Heartbeat Law to go into effect. And it did on May 1st. Correct. In your state. Correct. And I don’t want to go too far on this, but I want to get your reaction. We were getting reports from people in Florida saying the abortion mills are just as busy as they were before May 1st. What’s going on? So we put some of our people to work and we made a phone call and Mr. Producer, if you would pull this up, this is an undercover phone call to the abortion mill, presidential Abortion Clinic. I think it’s in Palm Beach, Florida, because reports were that they’re seeing actually more clients than normal. And so if you would, Mr. Bridge, this is one of our individuals making a phone call and asking about whether this law is in effect or not. So go ahead and play this clip.

Outro (24:22):

Thank you for calling Presidential Women’s Center. This is Ellen, how may I help you? Hi, I’m calling because I’m pregnant. I’m about 12 weeks along. I need to get an abortion. I saw somewhere that abortion is illegal after six weeks in Florida, but can I still get an abortion at your facility? So if you’re over six weeks in the pregnancy, unless a pregnancy has passed or there is something unhealthy with the pregnancy, you cannot have an abortion anywhere in the state of Florida. But what we can do is we have made a connection with a abortion provider outside of the state of Florida. And so we have financial assistance and transportation and lodging and all of that to get you there. So what we would do if you want to have an abortion, you would come into our center. We would do ultrasound and lab here so that we would know exactly how many weeks are in the pregnancy and have some basic lab values. And then we’ll take you to a private room and we will sit down and we will call this provider and we will get you an appointment with them and then help you to navigate through transportation and launching so we can help you. Just because you can’t have an abortion here at Presidential Women’s Center doesn’t mean we’re abandoning you. We will still help you to make that connection, and we can also see you back here for your checkup appointment.

Mark Harrington (25:49):

All right, so let me comment on this real quick. So when we got the reports, there were only two things going on that we consider that is, first of all, presidential Women’s Center is breaking the law. They’re not abiding by the newly enacted heartbeat law. That was number one. We figured, well, maybe they’re doing that. We found out by that audio right there that they’re not, they’re actually following the law. However, what they’re doing, and the reason why there are lots of clients coming in is because they’re meeting them. They’re doing all the labs and so forth, and they’re arranging for their abortion in another state. So they’re crossing the border of Florida, going into probably North Carolina. They’re not going to get one in Georgia. They’re not going to get one in Alabama. Don’t think they’re getting one in South Carolina. They’re going to North Carolina more likely. She didn’t tell exactly where they’re taking them, but they are funding these abortions. Now, there’s two things in this. First of all, praise God for the Heartbeat law.

Lynda Bell (26:50):


Mark Harrington (26:51):

Women are not aborting, many of ’em are not going to take that trip. They’re just not going to. And the same with Ohio. We saw a reduction in abortions in 2022 because of it, because of just 82 days. And it made a huge difference. Even though we know people were crossing the border, we know that we shouldn’t make it easy for people to kill their babies. We don’t want ’em to have abortions at all. But the fact of the matter is they are going over the state lines and they’re being funded by the abortion industry to do this. So all that’s to say, Linda, the heartbeat law has an effect. It’s been enacted by your legislature. It’s what the people of Florida want. And this law would be wiped out and Florida would become a destination state for those southeastern states in the southeastern part of Florida. So this is big stuff. Friends, if this thing gets enacted in November,

Lynda Bell (27:56):

This would be the most tragic thing that ever happened to Floridians, to babies, to little girls and to women and their husbands and boyfriends. This would be the most tragic thing if it were to pass that ever happened in Florida. I mean, I cannot. I just pray and work very hard. This is something that our coalition of Genal Harm Florida and Florida Ride to Life has dedicated literally just about every waking hour to fighting this. This is our mantra. This is our call. And I told my husband, I’ll see you afterwards because we’ve just been on the road. I’m either in my car or I’m in front of a camera on some kind of a Zoom or podcast like right now. And it’s fine. It’s absolutely fine. This is what we’re called to be.

Mark Harrington (28:45):

Well, you’re doing something. I said the same thing to my wife. I said, you’ll see me in November’s nine. Yeah, November 9th. And listen, this is for all the marbles. This is it. This is for all the marbles. And Florida is such a key battleground. Let’s talk about that a little bit

Lynda Bell (29:01):

Real quick though. One area that Florida, whether you like it or not, the fact that we have exceptions in our six week well in it’s really a heartbeat, bill, the fact that we have exceptions with our heartbeat, bill, whether you like them or not, it helps us. It helps us to defeat this because they were able to use an Ohio that against you guys. Now, I will tell you, they’re lying. They’re saying, they’re saying exactly the opposite, that you cannot have an abortion period after the heartbeat. They’re saying that. And when people question me about it, I practice on people everywhere I go. I was in Best Buy looking for a new computer so I could do these zooms and this young man read my shirt and started talking to me. And so he said, yeah, but isn’t that you cannot have any abortion after six weeks?


And I said, well, we rather like that, but we do have exceptions. I said, we rather like that. And he laughed. I smiled when I said it. I said, but we do have exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother, medical emergencies. And he said, I didn’t know that. Okay, I didn’t know that. That makes sense. So he immediately changed his whole attitude just when I said we had exceptions. So if we can communicate that to the public at large, how absolutely radical this is, but also the fact that Florida has some very reasonable exceptions,

Mark Harrington (30:26):

Reasonable for the most voters. Yeah, I know what you’re talking about here, because our law did not have rape and incest or exceptions, and none of us are for those friends in our laws. We don’t love them. We don’t want those. We want abortion to be banned at a conception. But the Heartbeat law closed abortion mills and saved lives in the state. And that’s happening in Florida for the sake of the bigger battle, which is the amendment in November.

Lynda Bell (30:57):

That’s right.

Mark Harrington (30:58):

It is going to be helpful. Even though we hate rape and incest, exceptions in laws, it will be helpful in trying to get this defeated. That’s it. That’s the only thing we’re saying. Friends, we’re not acknowledging we’re for rape and incest exceptions. We’re just saying it may help us in the bigger battle, which is to defeat this thing and it will and let the heartbeat law go into effect. So I hear you on that, you guys, it’s hard to argue for the status quo not doing, we don’t do that. Generally it’s for lifers, but in this case, we have to be pragmatic. As much as we hate having to do that, we do have to

Lynda Bell (31:42):

Because we have to save as many babies’ lives as possible, and we have to save as many women and girls from heart a life of heartbreak. So yeah. So by doing this, as a matter of fact, when 95 to 97% of all abortions are done for other than rape, nces, the life of the mother, we have to be practical to save as many lives as humanly possible.

Mark Harrington (32:02):

That’s what I told our coalition here. Let’s defeat the amendment and then after the amendment, let’s go and clean up the laws at that time when we have the opportunity and the ability to do that, if they win in Florida, you will have no opportunity to make really any meaningful changes in abortion laws. And that’s going to wipe out this whole opportunity. And that’s why I say as hard as it is, you want to argue for the status quo in the state of Florida. Correct. Mr. Producer, if you would bring up the rack. She calls it the, what do you call, what do you call that?

Lynda Bell (32:38):

The rack card. RIC, the rack

Mark Harrington (32:40):

Card. Okay, so zoom in.

Lynda Bell (32:42):

Yeah, they fit in rack holders. They

Mark Harrington (32:44):

Fit in racks. Okay. I think we just called it the handout or whatever. So zoom in on this or

Lynda Bell (32:49):

Walk card door.

Mark Harrington (32:50):

Walk card. So if you look at this, it looks similar to Ohio for this good reason. Some of the same kind of graphics, the red line, the front of it. Very effective by the way. And I know that once you start going to door todo, if you haven’t already, that flip side, when you’re actually holding that up and going through the summary language and talking about the red line, the points, the red letter stuff here on the right side of that page, that’ll be really instruct. You’ll find that people Oh, I see. And then we found that hugely helpful at the doors. I agree. So let’s talk about the campaign again. I’m with Linda, Linda Bell with Florida Right to Life and Do No Harm Florida Friends, you can go to do no harm Let’s talk about the campaign. You guys are up and running. Tell us what’s going on right now and what you want people to do.

Lynda Bell (33:46):

Yeah. Oh my gosh. We have an amazing group of activists, coalition members that each have multiple thousands of people in their organizations. We also have many individuals. I think our list for Zoom calls is up to 125 different people that want to be involved. And that’s just not, it’s 125 people including about 16 coalitions, which equal hundreds of thousands of Floridians in their particular organizations. And that’s been the beauty of the coalition is that we work so well together, so we’re all unified to fight and defeat Amendment four. We were at the homeschool convention, many of us, not just me, we’re speaking all over Florida. Dr. Ella speaking, Dr. Peck is speaking. I’m speaking, in fact, I’m out of here again on June 10, 11 and 12 to do some more speaking engagements. And then back again and out constantly speaking, we had one of our coalition members from Women Impacting the Nation.


She spoke at three church services over on the West coast this past Sunday. So we’re basically training and empowering every single person that’s a member organization and individuals on how to message this properly. What pitfalls, what words you shouldn’t say, what you should say, how to not take the trap of the media, things like that. In fact, I’m doing a training tonight. So we’re out working. We’re now, because we dedicated basically half of April and May, half of May to basically a month to all just completely organizing our structure of the organization. Now we’re into fundraising mode so that we can message and we can actually do some media other than social media. And so we are now into the fundraising phase. And you can go to juno harm and donate. You can also go to Florida, ride to Life and donate whichever you prefer. And we are using our resources to fight and defeat Amendment four.

Mark Harrington (35:41):

So friends, here’s how you can get involved. Just like in Ohio, when I was talking about that last year at this very same time, there’s two things that are most important to win. Number one is a ground game, amen. Grassroots, which is door-to-Door phone banking. You get ahold of Linda at Do No Harm You probably haven’t kicked that off yet, but that’s going to happen soon, I imagine. Of course, it’s 9 million degrees in Florida. It’s hard to do that, but you got to sacrifice. So it’s grassroots, door to door, phone banking, all that. And then the other is ads, whether it be digital, which are Precision Digital placed ads on social media and elsewhere and just tv, and that takes money, friends. So you can donate to Linda’s organization, Florida, right to Life or Do No Harm, Florida, which is the coalition running the campaign down there in the state of Florida at Do No Harm.

(36:43): That’s Do No Harm Friends, this is for all the marbles. I know there’s another couple of these that I’ve been talking about all these in other states and we’re involved in several of ’em, but to me, Florida’s a big one. It’s a key battleground for the presidential race. It means so much. If Florida were to fall to the pro-abortion industry, I don’t know if we could recover as a movement. I honestly don’t. And the good thing about Florida as well is that not only do you have a very pro-life governor, that’s Rhonda Sandis, who’s very articulate and smart enough politically to know his place. Hopefully unlike our governor here, Mike DeWine, but you have him and you also, because it’s a battleground. There’s so much effort being put into Florida to defeat this thing. So friends, if you can help, go to Do No Harm Do no harm Glenda, thanks for being on the show. We’ll be in touch as time as we get moving up towards November when you make an official kickoff to your door to door efforts, your grassroots, I’d love to have you back on to give people more information. So thanks for being on the program. Love

Lynda Bell (37:58):

It. Thank you so much. God bless you.

Mark Harrington (38:02):

Okay, friends, well, we got big breaking news, and that is on Monday. This Monday coming up, our interns are coming to Ohio for a summer of activism and training and apologetics. It’s a bootcamp, if you will, and we’re opening our doors to them here at our headquarters here, created Equal. This is our annual bootcamp, and they will be an intense study and preparations training and outreach for the entire summer. So friends, you can be in prayer for us, prayer for our young people coming here. We’re also going to be taking them to the big apple that is New York City in July. I’ll be talking more about that, going right into the heart of the monster, the beast that is in New York City, Manhattan, going to Times Square, going all places all around Manhattan, so forth. So be in prayer for them, and these are the best of the best friends.


I mean, when I talk about Created Equal, the reason I founded this organization is because I wanted to leave behind me a legacy that is young people who will take up the cause of the unborn and the cause of Christ long before, or I’m sorry, long after I’m gone. And so we’re fulfilling that vision by the grace of God with this internship. And I want to read just two quotes coming from some of our interns who are coming into Ohio. The first is this. This is from a era. She says this, I have the chance he’s talk about the internship to get to know and stand alongside other like-minded youth in the fight against abortion and grow more in my walk with Christ Friends, this is not just a pro-life apologetics program. This is program to which these young people will grow leaps and bounds in their walk with Jesus Christ and their faith and their ability to do effective evangelism.


We see those two things working together. We’re not just a pro-life organization. We’re a training organization. We’re an apologetics organization, but we’re also trying to build young people and their ability to evangelize. Josiah says this, I’m seriously considering full-time work defending pre-born babies. Now, the purpose of the internship primarily is to train these young people, either to send them back to their own communities, to which they can do the work on their own with some mentoring from us, or to join our team as full-time staff members. And so our hope and prayer is that throughout the summer that there will be those who will say, yes, I want to do this for what we call a gap year, which is two semesters, and then maybe full or go on to do this. That’s the goal because we need full-time workers. The other reason why we’re losing this battle is because the other side is able to fund full-time workers through blood money.


We’re losing this because we’re not putting full-time workers into the field like they are because we rely entirely on the generosity of those who give to us. That is Christians generally speaking, and it’s a sacrificial effort that they’re making by supporting us. So the fact that we have people that are seriously considering full-time work with created Equal, they are worth your support. So friends, if you want to get in helping our interns this summer, you could donate to the internship program by going to created That’s created Give to these young people because our program doesn’t come cheap. We’re investing lots of money, thousands of dollars in these young people, and it’s well worth it because it’ll reap benefits for their entire lifetime. And hopefully some of ’em will come on staff with us. It’s kind of like a band of brothers and sisters, right?


When they get together and like mine and they get into the battle, and they get into that rhetorical foxhole, if you will, and are fighting the enemy. They build this synergy that it’s really hard to describe and put your finger on, but it’s something that’ll last for the rest of their lives. So we’re looking forward to them coming to Columbus and being part of this team for the entire summer. So be in prayer for our interns and give if you can by going to created We’ll see you next time. God bless you. God bless America, and remember America, to bless God you’ve been listening to.
