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Ending abortion: Prudence v. All or Nothing
Ending abortion: Prudence v. All or Nothing |The Mark Harrington Show | 2-22-19 As the Ohio Heartbeat Bill receives another round of hearings in...
The Left’s Rush to Infanticide
The Left’s Rush to Infanticide | The Mark Harrington Show | 2-29-19 With the recent vote of 44 Senate Democrats (including 6 presidential...
Making Your Case Persuasively
Making Your Case Persuasively | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-8-19 After spending a few days at the Ohio State House recently listening to abortion...
It’s a Bad Week to be Pro-Abortion
It’s a Bad Week to be Pro-Abortion | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-15-19 This week, Ohio continued to be at the forefront of the abortion debate. In...
Cruel and Unusual Punishment | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-22-19
Cruel and Unusual Punishment | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-22-19 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has repeatedly refused to support...
The “Intensity Gap” w/ Christen Pollo
The “Intensity Gap” w/ Christen Pollo | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-28-19 Pro-life young people out number pro-abortion youth not just numerically...
Plan to Watch unPlanned | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-1-19
Plan to Watch unPlanned | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-1-19 Why would someone who has been on the receiving end of some of Abby Johnson’s harshest...
Ohio Heartbeat Bill Passes, Signed by Governor
Ohio Heartbeat Bill Passes, Signed by Governor | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-11-19 Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill has been signed by Gov. Mike DeWine. With...
JumboTron Rocks College Campuses
JumboTron Rocks College Campuses | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-18-19 Do abortion victim pictures and video change hearts and minds? Sam Riley,...