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IVF and the Commodification of Children – Katy Faust

IVF and the Commodification of Children – Katy Faust

In the aftermath of the fall of Roe states are taking measures to protect babies early in development. Recently, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos conceived through IVF are considered children. Are children simply commodities to be cut and pasted into...

The Power Of Humanizing Language – Seth Drayer

The Power Of Humanizing Language – Seth Drayer

On this episode of the Mark Harrington show, Seth Drayer once again fills in for Mark Harrington, and shares the power that simple pronouns can have when humanizing, or dehumanizing the unborn. Seth shares and reacts to two relevant interactions with students from...

Super Bowl Ad Targets Pro-Lifers | Seth Drayer

Super Bowl Ad Targets Pro-Lifers | Seth Drayer

This week’s episode of the Mark Harrington Show is guest hosted by Created Equal’s Vice President, Seth Drayer. This Sunday the world watched the Kansas City Chiefs beat The San Francisco 49ers in an overtime win in American football. While the game was entertaining,...

Exposing Biden’s Abortion Tour | Mark Harrington

Exposing Biden’s Abortion Tour | Mark Harrington

In this episode, Mark reacts to comments by Planned Parenthood regarding the Ohio legislature overriding Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of HB 68 banning child genital mutilation. Groups like Planned Parenthood speak out of both sides of their mouth. While they pretend to...

Applying Alinsky’s Tactics – Author Doug Wilson

Applying Alinsky’s Tactics – Author Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson pastors Christ Church in Moscow, ID, and is the author of over 100 books. According to Doug, Christians have much to learn from our enemies. Hence, Mark asks Doug about his book Rules for Reformers which is a reformational counter point to Saul Alinsky’s...

What Would Jesus Do? | Mark Harrington

What Would Jesus Do? | Mark Harrington

In this episode, Mark reacts to several segments in the news dealing with social issues from a Christian perspective. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on all the popular podcast platforms as well...

Sidewalk Counseling in America Today – Lauren Muzyka

Sidewalk Counseling in America Today – Lauren Muzyka

Lauren Muzyka—founder, president, and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life—and her team have taken amazing strides to optimize the success of this 11th-hour ministry. Today, she joins Mark Harrington to talk about their approach, the support that they offer to sidewalk...

Standing Up to the Lions – Ray Comfort

Standing Up to the Lions – Ray Comfort

Why are Christians hesitant to speak the truth today? Fear has paralyzed the church and rendered the average Christian ineffective. We are called to stand firm in the face of adversity and preach the gospel to the masses. On this rerun episode, Mark is joined by Ray...

Unlimited Abortions in the Holy Land? | Sandi Shoshani

Unlimited Abortions in the Holy Land? | Sandi Shoshani

In February, I visited the Holy Land – Israel! On today’s episode, I interview Sandi Shoshani, National Director of Be'ad Chaim, from Israel Pro-life, about the current state of the abortion debate. Sandy shares about the current laws (or lack thereof) restricting...

Every Saturday
@1:30 PM
in Columbus, OH

Every Saturday
@8:00 AM
in Columbus, OH

Baby Border Battle

Baby Border Battle

In our post-Roe America states bordering abortion-free states are quickly becoming havens for abortion. Hence, Planned Parenthood has raised millions of dollars to convert commercial vans into...

Bill Maher Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

Bill Maher Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

With extraordinary candor and chilling openness, Bill Maher acknowledged that abortion is (or "kind of is") murder and endorses it anyway. Unlike most pro-abortion advocates, he's willing to look...

It’s Time To Switch to Offense – Jason Storms

It’s Time To Switch to Offense – Jason Storms

In this episode of the Mark Harrington Show, Mark interviews Jason Storms, the director of Operation Save America, about the recent pro-abortion state ballot initiatives and the pro-life movement's...
