Baby Border Battle

In our post-Roe America states bordering abortion-free states are quickly becoming havens for abortion. Hence, Planned Parenthood has raised millions of dollars to convert commercial vans into mobile killing centers to deploy to these borders. Created Equal responded...

Florida Abortion Law Misinformation | Pro-Aborts of TikTok Episode 8

Mark Harrington responds to more crazy pro-abortion TikTok and Instagram reels, debunking the lies, and straightening out the misconceptions.   Mark also speaks on how Florida is now ground zero for the abortion wars and Created Equal is going to be heavily involved...

Bill Maher Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

With extraordinary candor and chilling openness, Bill Maher acknowledged that abortion is (or "kind of is") murder and endorses it anyway. Unlike most pro-abortion advocates, he's willing to look the brutal reality of what abortion is right in the face... and own it....

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